Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In for a rough few weeks

I'm back....computer was down for a bit. So I'm back but now my little girl has a broken leg! So the next few weeks are going to be rough! But here are some pics from the past few weeks...

So cute when they are sleeping:) At Super Why's school they did some tye-dye t-shirts and for whatever reason that inspired me to do our very own.  It became sort of an addiction...trying to perfect each batch we did! I am still not 100% happy so I'm sure I will soon be doing more:)

Next stop....the beach!!! It is so beautiful out lately so we decided to pack up and go to the beach for the day. Yes, the water is still super cold but you can't tell kids that!

Super Why's best girl friend!

I told you this would be a lost catch-up post!!!  I'm not sure I mentioned that I am playing in an adult soccer league...over 30 women's league:) We have been doing really well. Our team is 2-0-1! It's funny because I play against quite a few of the same girls I played against in high school.  It's nice to get to know them now that we are older. We have reminisced about the old days and have laughed at some of the things that happend.

Super Why's class took their very first field trip to a place called Safety Town. They learned all about safety and what to do. This was very informative and the major lesson that he came away with was this...and I quote..."If someone tries to take me, I will scream, and bite them, and kick them in the pee-pee", Super Why. Yep, watch out strangers!!!

His favorite Teacher:)

Polly was able to go too!

And Papa




Papa was the bus driver...not really

Bike safety

Boat safety

How to save someone in a pool

Train safety

Well that is about it for now. I have been doing a few photo shoots in between all of this and will post some of those shots tomorrow. Loving life!