Our Family

Our Family

Monday, January 31, 2011

Excited for Disney!

The other day I decided it was time to take the kids to Disney World. So now I am in the saving mode and getting the kids filled in on all of the hype! They have been before but my daughter was maybe a year old and my son was almost 3. Plus it was in the midst of spring break. Needless to say it was not the happiest place on Earth:) So now the kids are 3.5 and 2 and I plan to go next week on a weekday to try and avoid the crowds and heat. Wish us luck!

mushrooms growing in our giant oak tree
Yet another beautiful day out today. My son, let's call him Super Why (because he is the king of all why questions), is outside playing on his bike while my daughter, let's call her Polly (like the parrot, Polly want a cracker?! because she copies everything he says and does), takes a nap. And I am sitting in the shade typing away. I want to find a place to live where it is this beautiful everyday! Super Why is now playing in the dirt pretending to be a car by pushing his hands around. I often think about what age I was when I stopped being imaginative like children are. They can create so many wild stories and play endlessly with trucks and babies yet when I sit to play with them I'm fresh out of creativity. I think that this will be a goal of mine. To become childlike again in my playtime with my children. To stop being the mom and become a playmate for that time. Have fun with them with no restrictions. Off I go to dig in the dirt with him while I still can!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Beautiful Day

My kids are definitely outside kids. I love a good rainy day. Stay in your pajamas, watch tv, read a book...the best. Not so much for my kids. They get cabin fever pretty quick. So when we have a beautiful day like today we go out for as long as we can. Bike riding is high on our list of things to do except we live  on a fairly busy street. So we do the whole GAME ON....GAME OFF!  Very entertaining, especially when our dog gets involved chasing the kids up and down the road. I look forward to the days of 70 degree weather and zero humidity so that we can stay outside all day!

 Big Brother loves finding new bugs to investigate!

 Such the helper...she can't pedal uphill

There are times I long for a fun snow day but overall I am glad that I live in Florida!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day of Firsts

I follow some blogs and have always wanted to try my hand at blogging. Then I wondered, "What would I write about?". My life isn't that interesting. I don't craft so I don't have any cool DIY to posts, but I do love taking pictures. So this blog will be about my life and the daily things that I do with my kids and husband through my photographs. It can also serve as a way to keep my family updated in our life.

Today is my first entry. Today is the first day my daughter (2) woke up dry in big girl panties:) Today is the first day (and probably last) day my son (3) said, "Mommy, get out of bed! I'm going to be late for school!". Pretty sure I won't be hearing that later in life:)

So here is to a day of firsts! May you be blessed throughout your day as I already have this morning!